Available business plots

Information on available business plots in Korsholm can be found here (in Swedish and Finnish) Available properties and plots in the Vaasa region can be searched here: Vaasan seudun toimitilat…

Business parks and business plots

The municipality of Korsholm (Mustasaari) has vacant business plots at the Fågelberget and Replot (Lintuvuori and Raippaluoto) business parks. The vacant plots are located in detailed planned areas. The municipal…

Water Utility Service

Water Utility Service Industrivägen 6 A 65610 Korsholm Our customer service is open: Monday–Thursday from 8:00–11:00 and 12:30–15:00 Friday from 8:00–11:00 and 12:30–14:00 Reporting errors during working hours: Tor-Erik Heir…

Environmental protection

The West Coast Environmental Unit decides on permits and notifications which, according to the law, are decided by the municipality’s environmental protection authority for the municipalities of Korsholm, Kristinestad, Kaskö,…

Animal welfare

Provisions on animal welfare are found in the Animal Welfare Act (247/1996) and the Animal Welfare Decree (396/1996). The legislation aims to protect animals from distress, pain and suffering in…

This is how you can have your say

You can follow the planning process in our municipality by reading the planning overview, which is published annually familiarising yourself with current plans, see the planning website following the announcements…


The purpose of food control and monitoring is to ensure food safety so that the consumer is protected against health risks and financial losses caused by foodstuff. Control and monitoring…